Lifelong learning is essential for a healthy, functioning society. Learning does not begin in school, it begins at birth and even before that. We are all "teachers" of one another and our children. Children learn by imitation and modeling. They will absorb what they see, hear and feel. But children with disabilities face a lifetime of struggle unless their condition is detected. A child does not know that they cannot hear like everyone else, or that their vision is blurred. It is critical for families, teachers, clinicians, and all those in contact with a child to understand the importance of early detection for hearing, vision and/or learning issues. A child who cannot hear, cannot speak.Many of our children have chronic ear infections and intermittent hearing loss. Behavioral problems in children and adolescents may also have their root cause in undetected learning,processing or physical disabilities. The child who cannot hear the teacher is accused of not paying attention and being insubordinate. Another one who doesn't do their homework is called lazy. Children and even adults, will live up to what is expected of them. Expect the worst and that is what you will get. Envision and express the highest visions of success and that will be achieved.
My personal goal is to support the "love of learning" for children, adolescents and throughout adulthood.Education is defined as "to draw out". Whether it is pre-school or college, the institutions of education must be responsive to the communities they serve. We need to create a climate of respect for diversity, creativity and the desire to know in our school systems. Education should never be reduced to the teaching how to take tests. Critical thinking and exploration of ideas develops an intelligent mind. Rote memorization and repetition of the "right" answers only creates a society of robots and the stagnation of the mind and spirit. We need to learn to paddle together to achieve success in our academic settings in Hawai`i. Cooperation,healthy interdependence and respect for our uniqueness and gifts can build a healthy, functioning educational system from pre-school to college. Everyone deserves to have access to a quality education that will enhance their lives and the lives of generations to come.
My personal goal is to support the "love of learning" for children, adolescents and throughout adulthood.Education is defined as "to draw out". Whether it is pre-school or college, the institutions of education must be responsive to the communities they serve. We need to create a climate of respect for diversity, creativity and the desire to know in our school systems. Education should never be reduced to the teaching how to take tests. Critical thinking and exploration of ideas develops an intelligent mind. Rote memorization and repetition of the "right" answers only creates a society of robots and the stagnation of the mind and spirit. We need to learn to paddle together to achieve success in our academic settings in Hawai`i. Cooperation,healthy interdependence and respect for our uniqueness and gifts can build a healthy, functioning educational system from pre-school to college. Everyone deserves to have access to a quality education that will enhance their lives and the lives of generations to come.